Supermarket Vouchers

SCOPAY Parent Information Page

Supermarket Vouchers

Important Information for Parents

If you are a parent needing assistance with your supermarket vouchers, you will need to contact your child's school.  
Due to data protection restrictions, we are unable to help you directly.  However, we hope the FAQs on this page will help you in the first instance.

Dear Parent/Carer

To help support you during this time, your school may start to issue vouchers that they have purchased for you to spend on food and other essentials for your child.  

The vouchers can be spent at any Asda, Sainsburys or Tesco supermarket.

This voucher is ready to use right away and can be accessed by clicking the link in the text, email, letter sent to you (if this is a Tesco voucher, you will also need to use the passphrase).

You can use the link to open the voucher on a mobile device and scan the barcode from the device in store directly – there is no need to print the voucher.

The voucher can be used multiple times up to the limit of the voucher value. It cannot be exchanged for cash, used in other stores and there are some restrictions by the supermarket on what the voucher can be used to purchase.

The voucher can also be used for online shopping.

If you need any help using the vouchers, please contact your school or the relevant supermarket.

Questions about Supermarket Vouchers

 1. Which supermarkets can I spend the vouchers in?

Your school will be able to tell you which supermarkets they have purchased vouchers from.

 2. Can I spend the vouchers online?
Yes, you can spend the vouchers online or instore.
 3. Do I need to print the voucher?

No, you don't need to print the voucher.  You can scan the barcode from your mobile device or enter the digits into your online shopping app.

 4. Do I have to spend the whole amount in one go?
No, if you don't spend the whole amount, the balance of the voucher will remain for you to spend at another time.
 5. How much will I be allocated?
The value of the voucher should be displayed once you have clicked on the URL.
 6. Is their a barcode I can scan?

Yes, there is a barcode which you can scan in store, or a Gift Card Number which you can enter if you are shopping online.
Once you have clicked on the URL your voucher will look something like this:

 7. What if the voucher link is sent to 2 parents/carers?
The voucher value can only be spent once.  If the URL is sent to multiple contacts for a child at the same priority, all contacts will receive the same link code, but the voucher can only be used once or until the full value has been spent.

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